So I’ll bet you’re wondering what is going on in B-Thez with the Grohlmeister. Maybe you thought all the fun was over? Maybe you thought that me ‘n Grohl were no longer best bros? Or maybe you thought we went to a dance party and were mistaken for a couple and could no longer be friends due to the overwhelming awkwardness? WELL GUESS WHAT? YOU WERE WRONG! YEAH!
X-Mas was pretty much the greatest day of my life. I was hangin’ out as usual in my room (the same one I’ve inhabited since I was an infant), and you know, just doin’ the usual, rockin’ out, jammin’…etc, when Grohl’s face appeared in my window. I don’t know if you’ve ever had a Grohl in your window, but it’s seriously way better than Santa (who sucks most years and never eats the cookies I leave out for him after baking for 2 days straight). So yeah, Grohl says we should go down to the downtown Woodmont Triangle area of Bethesda (W-cubed as we B-Thezdans call it). I jumped into action – quickly adorned myself with some glittery scarves, a fedora, and my fave women’s skinny jeans – and off we went to wreak some SERIOUS X-MAS HAVOC!!!!
When we arrived at W-cubed, we were disappointed to find nothing but a small squirrel sitting on a bench, along with a pickle salesman and his barrel of pickles. Grohl seemed pissed. So pissed that I thought he might lose his X-Mas cheer. But he quickly pulled himself together and said these exact words to me: “Bro, I don’t see a party here, so you know what that means.” Before he even finished the sentence, I had assembled my small battery-powered Fender amp on the sidewalk and within seconds, we were pumpin’ out the jams!!!! We hit it off with a little Paul McCartney (MA-CA….as we call him), then moved on to some GUNS!!!!
We didn’t really draw a crowd – the squirrel quickly ran away, along with the pickle man and some elderly couples out for a holiday walk. But hell, sometimes me n’ Grohl just gotta jam for jammin’s sake….